New Leader. New Rules.

Raise expectations for what you can achieve on the network edge with deployable computing solutions from NextComputing and AMD EPYC


2nd Gen AMD EPYC™ are a new breed of server processors which sets a higher standard for datacenters. Groundbreaking design makes AMD EPYC™ #1 in performance across industry standard benchmarks1; performance you can count on to propel your modern datacenter workloads. "Hardened at the Core" protection helps defend against side-channel attacks and EPYC's secure encrypted virtualization features help keep your data safe. The processor’s agility helps you manage new deployments and changing workloads, with the system resources you need, simply and cost-effectively. AMD is the server processor company you can count on for innovation and leadership today and into the future.

Performance Leadership

Virtually everything runs better on AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series powered servers. Whether you run enterprise applications, virtualized and cloud computing environments, software-defined infrastructure, high-performance computing, or data analytic applications. EPYC™ processor-based systems are #1 on industry benchmarks, including those measuring integer, floating-point, virtualization, database, and HPC performance1. AMD EPYC™ 7742 processor has set new world records that establish AMD as THE performance leader.


The secret is under the hood

AMD Infinity Architecture is a hybrid multi-die architecture that is reaching new heights with AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series processors. AMD Infinity Architecture now decouples two streams: eight dies for the processor cores, and one I/O die that supports security and communication outside the processor. With the agility to deliver the leading-edge process technology for CPU cores while letting I/O circuitry develop at its own rate, new capabilities can be brought to market faster with EPYC™ because its die design is not monolithic. This has allowed EPYC™ to race to leadership in the market and continue to innovate in the future.

Forged from the finest silicon

AMD is first to market an x86 processor based on 7nm technology. With double the core density and optimizations that improve instructions per cycle, the result is 4x the Floating-Point performance3 of 1st Gen AMD EPYC™.

7nm process technology also brings energy efficiency. 2nd Gen AMD EPYC™ can provide the same performance at half the power consumption4.


EPYC™ by the numbers

AMD EPYC™ has been engineered for datacenters that rely on CPU performance. From oil and gas exploration, to in-memory databases, to big data analytics, to production rendering, to standard datacenter applications, highly parallel workloads have more cores to work with. AMD EPYC™ 7002 generation processors scale from 8 to 64 cores (16 to 128 threads per socket). No other x86 vendor today enables such a core density in the market5.

Be top of the security chain

AMD EPYC™ is ‘Hardened at the Core’ with advanced security features. It is the first server CPU with an integrated and dedicated security processor providing the foundation for Secure Boot, Secure Memory Encryption (SME) and Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV). So you can worry less about data risk and focus more on running your business.


Enabling software boot without corruption

The AMD EPYC™ processor secure root of trust is designed to validate the initial BIOS software boot without corruption. In virtualized environments, you can cryptographically check that your entire software stack is booted without corruption on a cloud server or services you choose.

Restrict Internal Vulnerabilities

With encrypted memory, attacks on the integrity of main memory (such as cold-boot attacks) are inhibited because any data obtained is encrypted. High-performance encryption engines integrated into the memory controllers help speed performance. All of this is accomplished without modifications to your application software.

Safeguarding Virtual and Cloud Infrastructure

2nd Gen EPYC™ helps safeguard privacy and integrity by encrypting each virtual machine with one of up to 509 unique encryption keys known only to the processor. This aids in protecting confidentiality of your data even if a malicious virtual machine finds a way into your virtual machine’s memory, or a compromised hypervisor reaches into a guest virtual machine.

All-in feature set

AMD takes pride in having transparent relationships with its partners and customers. This means having an “all-in” feature set that isn’t contrived to extract higher prices from customers.
With AMD EPYC™, you have the agility to choose the processor your application requires without worrying about whether an important feature or capability is included. Whatever the number of cores you choose, you’ll have the I/O, memory, and memory bandwidth to accomplish what you need.


First-to-market PCIe4 Gen 4 readiness

AMD EPYC™ is the first and only current x86-architecture server processor supporting PCIe® 4.06. PCIe® 4.0 delivers double the I/O performance over PCIe® 3.0. You can use 128 lanes of I/O to double the network bandwidth that ties together HPC clusters and satisfies voracious needs for east-west bandwidth. For other application needs and in virtualized environments, you can connect with higher speed to GPU accelerators, NVMe drives, and you can even use integrated disk controllers to access spinning disks without the typical bottleneck of a PCIe RAID controller.

X86 Compatibility

You can have confidence in AMD EPYC™ 7002 generation processors because virtually all software will just work. We work with the open source community and major software vendors to help ensure your applications and enabling software will work exceptionally well with EPYC™. The broad ecosystem of open tools and libraries are more reasons why top cloud providers such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Oracle Cloud are providing services to customers based on AMD EPYC™ processors.


1-Socket EPYC™ server advantage

Traditional CPUs typically must scale up to a 2-socket server to overcome an imbalance of resources. With AMD EPYC™, 1-socket servers satisfy most of your workload needs, while helping you increase density and reduce capital, power, and cooling expenses.
With a 1-socket EPYC™ server, you can cut licensing costs up to 50% with ‘per-socket software’8 such as VMware® vSphere or vSAN.

The secret is under the hood

AMD Infinity Architecture is a hybrid multi-die architecture that is reaching new heights with AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series processors. AMD Infinity Architecture now decouples two streams: eight dies for the processor cores, and one I/O die that supports security and communication outside the processor. With the agility to deliver the leading-edge process technology for CPU cores while letting I/O circuitry develop at its own rate, new capabilities can be brought to market faster with EPYC™ because its die design is not monolithic. This has allowed EPYC™ to race to leadership in the market and continue to innovate in the future.

Ready to get started?

A NextComputing Sales Engineer can review your requirements to determine the exact right system and configuration for your needs. Or, if you already know the system you want, you can contact us to place your order or browse pre-configured systems in our store.


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1. AMD EPYC™ processors have delivered World Record scores with 2P x86 servers on SPEC CPU® 2017_rate_int_peak and base of 749 and 682, and VMmark® 3.1 SAN for 2 host/2 socket (12.28 @14 tiles) and vSAN for 4 host/4 socket (12.23 @13 tiles).
- EPYC SPEC CPU® Peak score can be found at as of August 7, 2019.
The next highest peak score can be found at: as of July 28, 2019.
- EPYC SPEC CPU® Base score can be found at as of August 7, 2019.
The next highest base score can be found at as of July 28, 2019.
- EPYC VMmark® SAN for 2 host/2 socket score can be found at
The next highest score can be found at at
- EPYC VMmark vSAN® for 4 host/4 socket score can be found at
The next highest score can be found at at ROM-127.
- 1P AMD EPYC™ 7742 using NVIDIA Tesla V100-PCIE-16GB scored 11.6 SPECaccel_ocl_base on SPEC ACCEL® OpenCL™ benchmark, as published at as of 8/7/2019 which is higher than all other publications on the SPEC® website as of 8/1/2019. ROM-151
- A 2P EPYC™ 7702 powered server has a score of 2,280.00 on TPCx-V,, as of Aug 7, 2019.  System available Aug 7, 2019. This is the only 2P TPCx-V score. The highest previous score was a 1P AMD EPYC 7551P, ROM-123
2. Cloud and Virtualization Performance is measured with VMmark® 3.1:
- 2x AMD EPYC™ 7702 scored 12.88 @ 14 Tiles on August 7, 2019 (
- 2x Intel Xeon Platinum 8280 scored 9.02 @ 9 Tiles on July 28, 2019 (
Integer Performance is measured with SPECrate®2017_int_rate_base:
- 2x AMD EPYC™ 7742 scored 682 on August 07,2019 (
- 2x Intel Xeon Platinum 8280L scored 364 on July 28th, 2019 (
Floating-Point Performance is measured with SPECrate®2017_fp_rate_base
- 2x AMD EPYC™ 7742 scored 524 on August 07, 2019 (
- 2x Intel Xeon Platinum 8280 scored 293 on July 28th, 2019 (
JAVA® Performance is measured with SPECjbb®2015-MultiJVM max-jOPS:
- 2x AMD EPYC™ 7742 scored 355121 on August 07, 2019 (
- 2x Intel Xeon Platinum 8280 scored 194068 on July 09, 2019 (
HPC Performance is measured with ANSYS FLUENT®:
Based on AMD internal testing of ANSYS FLUENT 19.1, lm6000_16m benchmark, as of July 17, 2019 of a 2P EPYC 7742 powered reference server versus a 2P Intel Xeon Platinum 8280 powered server. Results may vary. ROM-42
3. Based on standard calculation method for determining FLOPS. ROM-04
4. Based on June 8, 2018 AMD internal testing of same-architecture product ported from 14 to 7 nm technology with similar implementation flow/methodology, using performance from SGEMM.  EPYC-07
5. AMD EPYC up to 64c/128t and Intel Scalable up to 56c/112t, per processor. EPYC-10
6. Some supported features and functionality of second generation AMD EPYC™ processors (codenamed “Rome”) require a BIOS update from your server manufacturer when used with a motherboard designed for the first generation AMD EPYC 7000 series processor.  A motherboard designed for “Rome” processors is required to enable all available functionality. ROM-06
7. Comparing 2x Intel Xeon Gold 6262V with 1 AMD EPYC 7702P Processor. Intel 6262V Specifications and price as of 07/16/2019 on
SPECrate®2017_int_base scores: Intel Gold 6262V, 2P:
AMD EPYC 7702P, 1P: http:/ as of August 7, 2019
8. For software licensed by the socket (eg. VMware products), One EPYC 7702P can save up to 50% on licensing cost ver a server with two Intel Gold 6262V processors. ROM-20

©2019 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. all rights reserved. AMD, the AMD arrow, EPYC, and combinations thereof, are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. SPEC®, SPEC ACCEL®, and the benchmark SPECrate® are registered trademarks of Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. Learn more at TPC and TPC Benchmark are trademarks of the Transaction Processing Performance Council. VMware and VMmark are registered trademarks of VMware. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.